2012 Road To The Arnold Classic: Branch Warren – Mass With Class

Meet the Branch you don’t see in the gym: the guy who loves his family, plays with his dogs and knows what it means to overcome adversity with class.

Introverted and quiet, Branch Warren doesn't need to be obnoxious to be noticed, especially since his footsteps can be heard from a country mile away. His quiet demeanor accentuates, rather than overshadows, his massive physique. While his intensity in the gym is unmatched, Warren comes alive when he's at his country home. It's hard not to like the yin and yang.

Warren attributes all of his life accomplishments to what he's learned from bodybuilding. It's made him more driven, more self-sacrificing and more motivated to be the best man he can be. From what we can tell, mission accomplished. His story is truly inspiring.

Watch the video to see how Quadrasaurus leaves his print on the ages.

Branch Warren Mass With Class - 14:36

Road To The Arnold | Mass With Class | Shoulder Workout

Branch Warren